In an effort to build a "Public transport + Slow Traffic" -oriented green traffic system, the city plans to build more than 100 km of cycle tracks in 7 areas on Xiamen Island by transforming the existing auxiliary roads and sidewalks on both sides of the roads.
1. Huli High-tech Park (8.5 km)
The construction work for the 8.5 km cycle tracks in Huli High-tech Park has already started.
The cycle tracks on Yunding Bei Road, Fanghu Bei Er Road and Nanshan Road will be transformed from sidewalks, while the cycle tracks on Huandao Road, Fangzhong Road, which will be 2.5 m wide, will be transformed from auxiliary roads.
The construction is expected to be finished in March next year. A total of 1,475 public bicycles are expected to be put into use in the Huli High-tech Park area.
2. North-south cycle trunk roads (6.4 km)
The North-south cycle trunk roads will start on Lianqian Xi Road in the south, connect the planned public bike-sharing system on Lvling Road, and reach Gaoqi airport in the north, stretching 6.4 km along Jinshang Road.
3. East-west cycle trunk roads (8.5 km)
The east-west cycle trunk roads will stretch 8.5 km on Lvling Road, Lianqian Xi Road and Lianqian Dong Road, and be transformed from the existing auxiliary roads and sidewalks.
4. Around-Yundang Lake area (30.9 km)
The cycle tracks in the Yundang Lake area will be 30.9 km in total length, and extend along the scenic saltwater lake, connecting dozens of residential communities, parks and recreational facilities.
The section on Hubin Nan Road, which is 1.5 m wide and built of water permeable bricks, is almost finished.
5. Wuyuan Bay - Dongping Mountain area (4.5 km)
The cycle tracks in the Wuyuan Bay - Dongping Mountain area will mainly include the Yunding Bei Road, Yunding Zhong Road, stretching 4.5 km from Dongping Mountain, passing Zhonglun Park and Hubian Reservoir, and reaching to Wuyuan Bay. The cycle tracks in this area will enjoy beautiful mountain, lake and sea scenery.
6. Huandao Road cycle tracks (24 km)
The Huandao Road cycle tracks will stretch 24 km along the Huandao Road, one of the city’s most scenic roads famous for its beautiful coastal scenery, sandy beaches and numerous tourist attractions along the tree-lined road.
7. Qianpu and Software Park area (21.5 km)
The cycle tracks in the Qianpu and Software Park area will mainly include the Jinshan Road, Lvling Road, Qianpu Dong Road, Huandao Road, software park, Huizhan Bei Road, Huizhan Nan Road and Lianqian Dong Road, and boast a total distance of 21.5 km, connecting the Wuyuan Bay cycle tracks in the north and the Wuyuan Bay - Dongping Mountain area cycle tracks in the south.
The cycle tracks will be one-way 1.5 m wide or two-way 2.5 m wide, and all the cycle tracks in the 7 areas will be connected to form a cycle track network covering Xiamen Island.
Address : No.22,Xingqian Rd ,Jimei,Xiamen,Fujian China
Telephone : (0086) 592-6223386 ,6220216